Standard Naturally Aspirated or Supercharged V-Belt Accessory Drive Kit for Big Block Chevy

"Standard" Naturally Aspirated or Supercharged Engine V-Belt Accessory Drive Kit

For years one of the most aggravating chores of engine assembly has been thedifficulty of obtaining bracketry and accessories to final dress anengine. Until now the industry has offered only crude OEM stamped steelbracketry with limited adjustability requiring modifications to make them fit innearly all applications. These problems brought to our attention the needto design bracketry to mount engine accessories that are not only attractive butstrong with a quality fit every time. We have compiled our most popularcomponents into kits. Both naturally aspirated and supercharged versionsare available. Our "Standard" version combines quality and costefficiency while our "Deluxe" versions represent the very best inavailable bracketry and accessories available today. Each kit includes allnecessary hardware.

Note: Supercharged version does NOT include a supercharger pulley asit is included with the purchase of your supercharger.

Option: Part Number: Price: Order:
NA Kit with Power Steering 625-8151
MSRP: $2,350.00
Your Price: $2,199.99
You Save: 6% off MSRP!
NA Kit without Power Steering 625-8150
MSRP: $1,750.00
Your Price: $1,599.99
You Save: 9% off MSRP!
Supercharger Kit with Power Steering 625-8153
MSRP: $2,600.00
Your Price: $2,499.99
You Save: 4% off MSRP!
Supercharger Kit without Power Steering 625-8152
MSRP: $2,450.00
Your Price: $2,299.99
You Save: 6% off MSRP!
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