Shipping Information
Travel time does not include the day an order is shipped. All orders shipped via standard ground for in stock items will ship within 48 hrs. Air orders placed after 3PM EST are not guaranteed to ship same day. Note that any order placed to be shipped via USPS mail may take up to an additional 24 hours to ship for in stock parts due to an early USPS pick-up time.
Due to the wide variety of items we offer (weights, sizes and configurations), the Hardin Marine website is not always able to accurately calculate shipping charges in advance of the actual shipment taking place for some individual items, orders, or shipping destinations. Shipping charges will be calculated and added to your order total at the time your online order is placed. In some cases such, as but not limited to, shipment destinations outside of the continental United States the shipping charges calculated by this online catalog/web store will be incorrect. Hardin Marine reserves the right to cancel any order and refund any payments collected should the customer refuse to pay the actual shipping charges as calculated by the Hardin Marine shipping department.
Orders placed through this web site are shipped via one of the following methods:
- Delivery in the continental United States and Canada - UPS or USPS Mail
- Delivery outside the US (overseas) - Shipped via UPS Worldwide, USPS Global Mail.
Note that any order placed to be shipped via USPS mail may take up to an additional 24 hours to ship for in stock parts due to an early USPS pick-up time.
International Customers:
All International customers are subject to a customs and duty fee. The
applicable charge will be based on the value and/or gross weight and may
differ according to the commodity. This applies to both UPS and USPS. For
more information visit or
UPS Ground Delivery Map for orders shipped from our FL warehouse:

Detailed Shipping information
Hardin Marine does our best to keep high traffic parts in stock at all times. However sometimes, these and low traffic parts may not be in stock at the time of your order. Hardin Marine will do our best to contact you via email or telephone to let you be aware of any parts that are back-ordered. HM will attempt to drop ship parts that are not in stock from the manufacturer if available. When HM drop ships a part, we may never receive tracking information or may receive it after the order has already been delivered. All orders on in stock parts will normally ship within one day of order. If your order is marked as un-shipped, it may have already been drop-shipped, and we haven't received a tracking number or confirmation on it shipping from the manufacturer.