Supercharger Dry Sump Accessory Drive Kits

Supercharger Dry Sump Accessory Drive Kit

We make it easy to install you supercharger on a dry sump engine!  thiskit includes everything you need to make it work.  The dry sump adapterbracket lowers the pump enough to mount the alternator to the Keith EickertWater Crossover which is also used for mounting the power steering pump drivenoff a Hardin Dual or Triple Stage Raw Water Pump.

Option: Part Number: Price: Order:
Dual Stage with Power Steering 625-8133
MSRP: $3,400.00
Your Price: $3,199.99
You Save: 6% off MSRP!
Dual Stage without Power Steering 625-8132
MSRP: $3,000.00
Your Price: $2,899.99
You Save: 3% off MSRP!
Triple Stage with Power Steering 625-8135
MSRP: $3,600.00
Your Price: $3,499.99
You Save: 3% off MSRP!
Triple Stage without Power Steering 625-8134
MSRP: $3,350.00
Your Price: $2,999.99
You Save: 10% off MSRP!
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